The tasks are given by individual people and some online websites and businesses. You can also spend the funds you earn to create tasks of your own for other people to complete.You are given $1 bonus upon sign-up that can only be spent on creating a campaign.
With each task being unique the requirements to complete each task, amount paid, and expected time to complete are available before accepting a task to complete. Some tasks are only available to people in certain locations across the world. But the tasks will never require spending money of your own, the site has strict guidelines about the type's of tasks you can ask people to complete. The site does a very job making sure that you aren't sent to anything trying to scam you.
Getting paid to do really simple things you already do is the easy way to make money. Pressing the "like" button on Facebook. Earn money posting on twitter. Write a short article. Sign up to a new one and get paid to post on forums. You can even get paid to write things on your own blog. Obviously some of these tasks are more suited to you then others. Just make sure to check in daily as there is a limited number of people that can complete each task.(minimum 30)
Payments are made through Paypal, Alertpay or MoneyBookers With $9 minimum payout and each task completed being worth 30cents to a dollar. You can easily get paid with-in 30 days of sign-up. There is a small delay in payment. Once you reach minimum payout and request it, the site sends a letter in the mail (snail mail) with a personal "pin" number for your account. You must enter the pin one time before your money will be sent. They say it taks 4-24days to get the letter depending on location. I got mine 12days after requesting. The money was in my paypal account shortly there after.
Join Micro Job site Microworkers
Fact: Anyone in the world can join and use microworkers. There are plenty of tasks avilable to everyone. However there are more jobs avilable for people from Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, and the United States.